I’m So Glad FKA twigs Has Bravely Spoken Out About Shia LaBeouf
A couple of weeks ago, I listened to the Louis Theroux “Grounded” episode in which FKA twigs features as his guest. And I was utterly blown away by the level of calm, articulate detail she gave. The podcast is a game of two halves: the first section was recorded in September...
Maybe It’s OK To Overthink (Sometimes)
I saw a meme on Instagram a few weeks ago. It was one of those old-fashioned-typewriter ones, with messily typed words on a white page, and it said “most people never heal because they stay in their own heads, replaying corrupted scenarios. Let it go”. I thought “yes!”. I...
“The Other Woman” Doesn’t Deserve Your Instagram Shame
After my affair, one of the steps I took was to deliberately surround myself with uplifting content. I had therapy, of course, but along with that I ordered and read lots of empowering, enlightening books. I downloaded and listened to podcasts and audiobooks about self-care, female psychology, and self-esteem....
New Year’s Resolutions? They’re Not Compulsory, BTW
Each year, as we drift through that strange week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, the innocuous conversations we have with anyone — shop assistant; hairdresser; fellow dog walker in the park — will inevitably include at some point the polite question: “So. Any New Year’s Resolutions?” In days...
“Babyteeth” on Netflix Just Destroyed Me (10/10 Would Recommend)
I skim-read a glowing review and I thought “huh, looks interesting” and so last week, on New Year’s Eve, I pressed Play on the film Babyteeth (which was made in 2019, and is newly available on Netflix). Then half an hour later I paused the film because I could tell it...