The Best of the Minibreaks: Grenoble, France
Facebook Memories tell me that today marks two full years since my Skyscanner whims took my husband and me on a pair of £27 return Ryanair flights from Stansted to Grenoble, in France, a city which sits on the very edge of the Alps. “It’s an industrial sort of...
The End of an Era
Yesterday, my husband and I took the day off work (only our second since lockdown began) in order to take my eldest daughter down to pack up, and move out of, her student house in London. We didn’t want to, of course. We knew it was going to be...
What I Wore: a love story told in 5 outfits
Last Saturday night, I watched a streamed screening of Nora Ephron’s play “Love, Loss and What I Wore”. Adapted from Ilene Beckerman’s 1995 book of the same name, the play is told in a series of monologues from 5 women, who weave stories of their lives around particular beloved...
Three changes to save a marriage
As time went on and we could see that we had something worth saving, that the marriage could be brought back once more to something that had value for both of us, that we could re-knit our lives together and think about a shared future again, slowly we had...
Feeling some peace again
The last words X spoke aloud to me were “fuck you”, but that was not the last communication from him. He sent me a long email later that day. He berated me extensively for my lack of faith in him. I had never believed him when he told me...